Document Type : Original Article


1 Kermanshah MetOffice

2 Razi University



In this study, soil temperature data from three meteorological stations in Kermanshah province and data from 16 Teleconnection indices were used to investigate the relationship between these two data sets. In the first step, soil layer temperature data over a 25-year period (1996-2020) was obtained from the General Meteorological Department of Kermanshah province, and data from Teleconnection indices were also obtained from the NOAA and BOM websites. Subsequently, monthly data from all indicators and station layer temperatures were categorized and evaluated in the form of a correlation matrix. Then, using multivariate parametric statistical methods and synoptic analysis, the relationship between the indices and soil temperature was investigated and interpreted. The findings of this study indicate the echo of the global warming trend in the soil temperature of the region. The water temperature indices of the sea areas of the Pars estuary, Caspian Sea, eastern Mediterranean, Red Sea and northern Indian Ocean had the highest correlation with soil temperature at all station depths. Among the classical indices, the highest positive correlation coefficient in all layers was obtained with the AMO index. Also, with the help of the factor analysis method, six main components were obtained from all the indices, and according to the factor loading criterion, the three most prominent components were named and revealed, respectively, as follows: the first component, water temperature of the sea areas of the region, the second component, water temperature of the northern Indian Ocean and the third component, water temperature of the northern Atlantic Ocean.


Main Subjects