Document Type : Original Article
1 M.Sc. Graduated, Department of Forestry and Forest Economics, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran. Karaj, Iran.
2 Associate Professor, Department of Forestry and Forest Economics, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran. Karaj, Iran
3 Ph.D. Graduated in Forestry, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, Forest and Rangeland Research Institute, Kermanshah, Iran.
Given that the majority of Iran's land area consists of arid and semi-arid regions, the use of plants resistant to salinity and drought stress can provide a new opportunity for harnessing the potential of the country's highly stressful climates. Therefore, this research aimed to investigate the effects of different levels of drought and salinity on the survival and morphophysiological characteristics of one-year-old Russian olive seedlings. An experimental pot study was conducted in a completely randomized block design with three replications and three observations, at three levels of drought (control 100%, 66%, and 33% field capacity) and four levels of salinity (zero as control, 4, 8, and 12 dS/m), in the greenhouse of the Department of Forestry and Forest Economics, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, from August to November over a period of 4 months. In this study, the content of chlorophyll and carotenoids was examined and measured. The results of this study showed that the main and interactive effects of drought and salinity stress on the measured traits were significant. The main and interactive effects of drought and salinity stress led to a decrease in chlorophyll and carotenoid content. The lowest levels of chlorophyll a (19.1 milligrams per gram leaf weight), chlorophyll b (44.0 milligrams per gram leaf weight), total chlorophyll (94.0 milligrams per gram leaf weight), and carotenoid content (39 milligrams per gram leaf weight) were observed.
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