نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 PhD. in Agricultural Engineering, Irrigation and Drainage, Iran.

2 Soil and Water Department, Lorestan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center, AREEO, Khorramabad, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Heriot-Watt University, Dubai Campus, Dubai Knowledge Park, PO Box 38103, Dubai, UAE.



In recent years, greenhouse production in Khorramabad, Iran, has suffered severely from problems such as the Corona pandemic, declining average annual rainfall, and severe inflation. On the other hand, the greenhouse development policy in this city is considered to grow 3.16 times more than the present condition for the next four years. This study aims to study the main problem of greenhouse production and development in this city in 2021. To do that, field study was conducted and data were collected with interviews and direct observations. Then, all greenhouses were divided into three categories; A, B and C, based on characteristics such as type of products, cultivation bed and irrigation system. Results showed that in Type A greenhouses, which produce rose flowers, there are problems caused by Covid-19 (35%) and something else (65%), including a lack of technical staff, insufficient financial and legal knowledge, and equipment. In greenhouse type C, which produces vegetables, there was only the problem of equipment. The water crisis was not observed in greenhouses A and C and may not be encountered in the near future due to mechanized irrigation equipment and the use of recycled water systems. On the other hand, greenhouses type B, which mainly produce medicinal plants and vegetables, will face a water crisis (35%) and a lack of technical staff (65%) in the near future.

